Spinal Decompression


Seated with hands supported: squeeze a yoga block in between the thighs, round the spine and place hands on an object in front of you. Flex the spine deeper with every exhalation and protract the shoulder blades by driving hands into the object.

Standing with hips supported: stand facing away from the wall, feet hips-width apart, knees unlocked, and hips on the wall. Slowly begin to roll down from the crown of the head, one vertebrae at a time, until you’re no longer able to keep the hips on the wall. Reverse the roll and come to standing.

Free standing: Perform the exercise as described above except standing away from the wall.

Free standing on elevated surface with weight: Standing on an elevated surface, perform step 3 holding a moderate weight. The additional weight will require increased abdominal strength and control of the vertebral column.                                               

Supine supported legs over head: laying on your back, stretch the legs up over the head and place feet on top of an object. Do not turn the head once in this position. Slowly use the abdominal muscles and hand support to assist in controlling the roll out to the starting position.                                           

Free legs over head: Perform step 5 without the support of the object over head. Use hands as needed.


8 Therapeutic Exercises To Do During the 8 Hour Work Day