Now Offering Radial Shockwave Therapy
When you experience chronic, long-term pain, the body no longer recognizes it as an immediate assault and stops the acute natural healing process. When applied, shockwave therapy uses ballistic sound waves (shockwaves) to create a “micro trauma” or an inflammatory state to the affected tissue. This triggers the body’s natural healing response. The increase in circulation to the area during the treatment also contributes to the healing process. The more blood flow to tissue, the faster it will heal.
There have been extensive studies done on Radial Shockwave Therapy over the past 23 years. These studies show an average of 80-85% success rate.
This technology treats chronic tendonopathy and muscular pain at the source by triggering the body’s natural healing response. The best part is, there is NO downtime. Patients can resume daily activities the same day with minimal pain or discomfort!
This is a very quick, effective, and non-invasive treatment option that I am very pleased to offer in my practice. Shockwave therapy is also offered as a stand alone package outside of physical therapy appointments.
Please reach out if you have questions or for more information. My team is ready to schedule with you.